UW Health: If you've traveled over the holidays, you need to quarantine

MADISON, Wis. (CBS 58) --- If you're someone who traveled over the holiday weekend, it is important you take steps to stop the spread of Covid-19. 

UW Health's Dr. Jeff Pothof says act like you had high risk exposure and quarantine.

If you do need to go out in public, wear a mask and stay distanced, and wait to get tested.

Health experts say taking a test without waiting is more likely to show a false negative, giving people false hope that it's okay to spend New year's with others.

"It's just really tricky to say a negative test result, especially in someone who doesn't have symptoms is so reassuring that you're not taking on any risk," Dr. Pothof said. "You maybe take on less risk than if you haven't gotten tested at all."

Dr. Pothof says Covid-19 numbers can be deceivingly low around the holiday, because of lack of testing.

If you do want to get tested, testing sites are back open in Milwaukee, including Miller Park.

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