Milwaukee County Parks hosting program to teach vets to golf
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) – Milwaukee County Parks is inviting local military Veterans to a free six week program to learn golf with the PGA. The program begins with a clinic April 24, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Oakwood Park Golf Course, and continues with instruction every Tuesday through June 5.
During the training PGA professionals provide instruction including adaptive equipment. Since 2016 the program has helped over 50 local Veterans.
At the introductory Down Range Clinic, one Paramobile will be available so that people who use wheelchairs will be able to stand to golf. Based on the needs determined at the introductory clinic, additional Paramobiles will be ordered for the six-week program.
Those wishing to participate are encouraged to register. Military Veterans may register by contacting Chet Hendrickson at 414-257-4856 or [email protected].