Young South Milwaukee man loses parents to cancer and battles spine condition, but won't give up hope
SOUTH MILWAUKEE, Wis. (CBS 58) - A young man from South Milwaukee shares his story of hope after losing both parents to aggressive cancers and now being out of work after being diagnosed with a spine condition.
Twenty-one-year-old Brandon Pahule lost his dad at the age of 13 to cancer, and eight years later a different type of cancer took his mom’s life on Monday night, but Pahule refuses to let the death of both parents break his spirit.
“She cared about everybody, she loved Brandon more than anything in the world,” said Jodie Dishaw, a close family friend.
Brandon lost his mom, MaryBeth, to pancreatic cancer on Monday. She was diagnosed just two short months ago.
“Every time we would go to the ER, her kidney and pancreas function would decrease very rapidly,” said Brandon.
“Until the end, she just had the smile that could light up the room,” adds Dishaw.
MaryBeth and Brandon only had each other after Brandon’s dad, Thomas Pahule died from bile duct cancer.
“He was always kind to people, and that’s where I learned to be kind and caring toward others,” says Pahule.
MaryBeth was on disability and Brandon worked at Blain’s Farm and Fleet, but he’s no longer working because of a severe herniated disc in his spine.
“He’s been off of work, so they had nothing, there’s no life insurance or anything,” said Dishaw.
Still, Brandon assured his mom everything would be okay.
“I had held her hand and said I love you, I will be okay,” said Pahule.
It was only then MaryBeth was able to say goodbye to her son.
“She squeezed my hand so, so tight and then she lifted up her head a little bit and then she was gone,” says Pahule as tears ran down his face.
The Dishaw family has since taken him in until he can go back to work.
“He’s been there for us, so we’ll be there for him,” adds Dishaw.
Brandon finds comfort knowing his mom is now reunited with the love of her life.
“Oh yes, they were madly in love with each other,” Pahule says of his mom and dad.
Even after losing both parents to cancer, and now battling a spine condition, Brandon finds strength and the courage to fight knowing his mom and dad are no longer feeling pain.
“I’m happy that she’s with my dad—probably dancing up there,” said Pahule.
A GoFundMe has been set up to help Brandon with his mother’s funeral and expenses until he’s able to get back up on his feet.
To donate, click here.