Veterans' Resource Fair to inform local veterans of financial benefits

NOW: Veterans’ Resource Fair to inform local veterans of financial benefits

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- The Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors (GMAR) Veterans' Resource Fair is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 25th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the War Memorial Center.

The event aims to inform local veterans about the financial benefits available to them and their families regarding homeownership, investment and wealth management. Over 35 vendors will be there to share the resources available to veterans in the areas of housing, education and employment.

To provide more details about the event, Theresa Dixon joined us on Friday, Feb. 24. She is a principal real estate advisor with the Wisconsin Real Estate Group.

Entry to the event is free, with food, DJ music, donated raffle prizes and resources will be provided.

For more information or to register, visit

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