Trial continues for Milwaukee man accused of trafficking children

MILWAUKEE-- Emotional testimony in the second day of trial of a man accused of selling local women and children into prostitution.

45-year-old Roy Weatherall is accused of recruiting a 15-year-old girl to be a prostitute. He faces 14 counts, including trafficking of a child, child abuse, solicitation of prostitutes, among other charges.

An 18-year-old woman took the stand today, said she met Weatherall walking down the street in Milwaukee in 2012 and gave her his number. SD testified that within days, the two were a couple and within a month, she was prostituting and dancing in nightclubs in Northern Wisconsin. The woman said she would make 300 to 400 dollars a day and would give all her money to Weatherall because in her words, he would take care of her.

SD decided to leave Weatherall in September 2013, after Weatherall reportedly brutally beat her and she went to police. SD testified today that Weatherall beat her repetitively during the years they were together and even broke her arm once.

Weatherall defense attorney claims that SD is an independent prostitute and did not work for Weatherall.

Trial will resume on Thursday morning.


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