Summerfest assault suspects may face felony charges
MILWAUKEE -- The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office is recommending charges against two women and man accused of attacking a couple on a Summerfest shuttle bus shortly after 12:00 a.m. on June 30.
According to the sheriff's office, the twp assault victims boarded the MCTS shuttle at Summerfest headed to the College Ave. Park and Ride lot. When the victims began to exit the bus at the park and ride, a woman began pulling the hair of the female victim. The male victim attempted to stop the woman pulling his girlfriend's hair. The woman began punching the female victim in the face. The male victim was punched in the face by the woman's boyfriend.
The victims called 911 after the incident. The female victim received stitches above her eye.
All three suspects turned themselves into law enforcement days several media outlets aired their pictures on television and online. Two of the three suspects could face felony battery charges.