WAUSAU, Wis. (WSAW) -- The lack of snow so far this year may not be good news for winter sport enthusiasts, but it is good news for the state's budget.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation said because plow trucks have not been needed so far this winter season, the DOT will save $2.61 per ton on salt.
The amount may not seem that great until you consider how much road salt is used in a given year-- on average 400,000 tons.
The Wisconsin DOT's Traffic Supervisor, Brent Matthews said that they'll be saving approximately 3 ½ percent.
Road salt is of course a critical component in the state's response following snowstorms. But the department is getting creative on ways to reduce the need to use salt, such as using a salt brine mixture which helps melt the snow and ice as soon as it's put down.
If the state uses the same amount of road salt as last year, departments will save roughly $1 million.