Sewage to be used for electricity in Brookfield

BROOKFIELD- The City of Brookfield wants to use biogas that comes from sewage to generate electricity for its waste treatment facility.

Biogas is a renewable energy produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen.

The idea takes advantage of something the city is already doing because it is a byproduct of one of their processes.

Public Works officials thought if they could burn then they'd also produce electricity and heat.

It's expected the process could generate 2 million kilowatts of electricity while saving $164,000 for tax payers annually.

The full project will cost $2.75 million, a cost shared between Brookfield and six other communities that use the plant.

CBS 58 is told tax money will not be used and that sewer rates will \"modestly\" be increased.

The city expects the project will for itself in energy savings with a net return anywhere from 10 to 20 years. (Depending on energy prices in the future)

The Water and Sewer board approved this unanimously earlier in December when they accepted a $500,000 grant.

Tuesday night it's up to the city council to approve it.

Other funding is also being pursued.

If they do, the system could be up and running by 2015.


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