Several gather to protest Southridge Mall plan to move bus stops
GREENDALE -- A bus stop dispute at Southridge Mall isn't going away as opponents of a plan to move bus stops away from the mall gather to protest.
Southridge Mall owners want bus stops moved 350 ft. away from the mall, and route 46 to not stop on mall property. Handicapped bus riders tell our Lila Carrera they fell discriminated against. Many say this will make it hard for those in wheelchairs to get to the mall during the winter.
The changes are scheduled for November 1st. Milwaukee County Supervisors have spoken against the bus route changes, and believe the timing couldn't be worse.
Bus rider Theresa Dalhoe hopes the protest sends a message to Simon Properties, the owners of Southridge Mall. \"Leave the buses where they are, because there is a lot of employees who stop here from the buses to go to work, and there are a lot of disabled people who will be forced to take the cab instead of bus,\" says Dalhoe.
A Spokesperson for the mall says they're moving the bus stops for the safety of pedestrians.