Kenosha organization joining the nationwide 'March for Meals' to fight senior hunger and isolation
KENOSHA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Kenosha Area Family and Aging Services has announced that it will participate in the annual "March for Meals" celebration to fight senior hunger and isolation in Kenosha County, which is part of a nationwide month-long celebration of Meals on Wheels.
According to the Friday, March 10 press release announcing the Kenosha participation, Meals on Wheels is a community-based program that provides home-delivered meals, friendly visits and safety checks to seniors who face physical or financial challenges that make it difficult for them to eat healthy meals and move freely about their communities.
The Meals on Wheels Kenosha celebration will include various activities throughout the month of March, including Meals on Wheels service delivery. The organization reports seeing an increase of 20% in their services compared to last year due to the volatile economy and post-COVID challenges.
The increase in demand has led to the organization asking for the help of more volunteers and resources to meet the growing need.
The annual March for Meals celebration commemorates the day in March of 1972 when President Richard Nixon signed into law a measure that amended the Older Americans Act of 1965 to include a national nutrition program for seniors 60 years and older.
During the month of March, community-based Meals on Wheels programs from across the country will join forces for the annual awareness campaign to celebrate the public-private partnership and garner the resources needed to reach every senior in need of a nutritious meal, friendly visit and safety check.
For those interested in volunteering, contributing, or speaking out for the seniors in Kenosha, visit