Hundreds of bags go unclaimed at Milwaukee International Airport; Southwest Airlines cancels 2,500 flights
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Holiday travel nightmares continued Tuesday, Dec. 27, for travelers at Milwaukee International Airport -- especially for those flying Southwest Airlines.
Between Dec. 23-27, Southwest Airlines canceled more than 2,500 flights, with more cancellations anticipated to happen before the New Year holiday.
"They couldn’t spit our bag out in Denver, so the bag was coming to Milwaukee whether we wanted to or not," said Michal Terry, a Southwest passenger from Colorado Springs.
The Southwest baggage claim area looked more like a baggage graveyard as travelers delt with what can only be described as separation anxiety.
"I would like to have some fresh changes of clothes and my toothbrush, and that kind of stuff, that would be nice," said Emily Strong, a Southwest passenger from Phoenix.
"I can't tell you how disappointed I am in Southwest," said David Maxwell, who is visiting family in Milwaukee from Phoenix.
It was a sunny Christmas, not a white one, for Maxwell's kids.
"Our first flight was delayed six different times," said Maxwell.
The Phoenix family didn't get their white Christmas until Dec. 26.
"They almost broke our spirit, but not quite," said Maxwell.
They finally arrived in Milwaukee, but one of their suitcases didn't make it.
"Again, this is where Southwest is like trying to assassinate Santa, and I'm not here for it. But the bag is the one that has my kids' Christmas presents in it," said Maxwell.
The entire carousel's filled and roped off at Mitchell International now, with security keeping an eye on everyone's stuff.
In a statement, Southwest Airlines said:
"Our team is utilizing its standard procedures for returning baggage during irregular operations. We will make every attempt to reconnect customers with their baggage at no cost to the customer - we will use shipping partners to return baggage where appropriate."
Southwest said they grounded dozens of their birds due to weather.
The airline said they were fully staffed and ready for the holiday weekend, however passengers told CBS 58 otherwise.
"This was a staffing issue, so they were like, 'we don’t have flight attendants.' And it's like, well, if you didn't have flight attendants when you said you were gonna, were we ever going to have flight attendants? So, that seems a little concerning," said Terry.
The concern forced some travelers to consider a new way out.
"I have a car, a rental car booked, just in case we have to drive back to Denver," said Terry.
It's been a long couple of days for Jackie Edwards. She finally rented a car and drove home from St. Louis.
"Honestly, I'm just glad to be home, because I want to sleep in my own bed," said Edwards, who's finally back in Milwaukee.
But sleep isn't coming easy. Her family's missing two bags and the search isn't easy.
Tuesday, 19 flights from Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport were cancelled, and all were from Southwest Airlines.
Southwest sent us links to a couple places passengers can go for help:
For information on lost or damaged baggage, click here.
For information on travel disruption, click here.