Evers signs bills increasing reckless driving, carjacking penalties

NOW: Evers signs bills increasing reckless driving, carjacking penalties

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Governor Tony Evers signed two bills into law Wednesday that aim to make Wisconsin's streets safer. 

The first increases the penalties for reckless driving and adds two new fines previously used for driving under the influence charges. 

The other creates a new carjacking section of the criminal code and increases certain penalties related to carjacking crimes. 

The widow of Aaron Strong, a Milwaukee pastor who was killed last October by a reckless driver, spoke on the importance of laws like these.

"While tragic and heartbreaking, Aaron losing his life serves a bigger purpose," said Abbie Strong. "I have seen my life serves a bigger purpose. This has motivated me to advocate for the families and the victims of reckless driving so they don't have to endure this type of pain."

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