Dr. Phil offers to help Jayme Closs in recovery

NOW: Dr. Phil offers to help Jayme Closs in recovery

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Dr. Phil is weighing in on Jayme Closs' recovery - even offering to help.

CBS 58 weekend anchor Pauleen Le caught up with him on a recent trip to Los Angeles. 

Dr. Phil said it's important that Jayme surrounds herself with people she trusts to talk about what happened. 

"Where you see this really become toxic is if she keeps it all inside, bottles it up and it gets really damaging at that point," he said.

Dr. Phil also added it's important Jayme gets the right help she needs. 

"I would love to sit down and talk with her and I would love to guide her to the appropriate resources so she doesn't end up with a generalist that she gets the specialists she needs," he said. "You have to know how to debrief the situation - where she can talk about it without really etching it into the brain even more."

Pauleen and Dr. Phil talked about a number of topics. Be looking for more on their sit down interview at a later date.

The Dr. Phil show airs on CBS 58 weekdays at 3 p.m.

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