Day After his DNC Speech, Sanders Speaks to Delegates

In continuing his theme from last night, Sanders spoke about pushing the progressive agenda and forcing government officials to follow it.
Sanders stopped by to speak to the delegation that helped him earn 57 % of the Democratic vote in April's primary.
He was given a standing ovation as he took the stage in the hotel ballroom.
Sanders spoke for about ten minutes thanking delegates and asking them to unite behind Hillary Clinton and giving Wisconsin delegates an idea of what's next for his campaign.
“One of the accomplishments of our campaign was to include millions of people and young people in the democratic process. And we have got to keep that going we are going to keep that going. Our campaign is going to transition to another organization which is going to support candidates running for school board… for city council… for state legislature," said Sanders.
Coming up Tonight on the convention floor, the delegates are expected to officially vote and nominate Hillary Clinton as the party nominee.
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