8-year-old Hailey Dawson throws out first pitch at Monday's Brewers game with help of 3D-printed hand
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- An 8-year-old threw the first pitch at the Milwaukee Brewers game Monday night, and her pitching hand is unlike anyone else’s.
The first pitch for the game wasn't Hailey Dawson’s first pitch.
“This is my 12th one,” said Hailey Dawson.
Hailey is scheduled to throw the ball at all 30 Major League Baseball stadiums. Her family has been posting about each one with the hashtag: #journeyto30.
But Hailey Dawson’s first pitch is not your average first pitch. She throws the ball with a 3D printed hand.
For Monday's game, she took the mound opposite Brent Suter. After she threw her pitch, the pitcher said, “Good job. Nice throw," before signing the ball.
But Hailey didn't get any more signatures on a baseball, they all went on her 3D hand.
Hailey was born with Poland syndrome, and she doesn’t have use of three fingers on her right hand.
“Initially the hand was supposed to be functional but it’s become a confidence thing for her,” said Yong Dawson, Hailey's mom.
Engineering students at the University of Nevada Las Vegas designed a 3D printed hand specifically for Hailey.
“I move my wrist down and it closes. When I move my wrist up it opens,” said Hailey.
The plastic hand moves with fishing wire, and it is an affordable version to give her the ability to grip while her body is still growing. Each hand is a couple hundred dollars.
Right next to throwing the pitch, Hailey's mom says her favorite part is talking, dancing and singing with the players.
“It’s been an experience -- something that 20 years down the line she can talk about to her kids one day,” said Yong.
Hailey and Brent Suter both sang along to the Brewers' newest viral video.
Hailey gets a new hand from each MLB team she visits with each club's logo. You can follow Hailey's journey on Twitter: @haileys_hand.