New charges filed against Waukesha Christmas parade suspect for prior domestic incident

NOW: New charges filed against Waukesha Christmas parade suspect for prior domestic incident

MILWAUKEE COUNTY, Wis. (CBS 58) -- The Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office has now filed a new criminal complaint against Darrell Brooks for a November incident in which he allegedly ran over the mother of his child. The new charges come after the woman shared new information about the incident.

Court documents show Brooks is now charged with: 

  • Felony intimidation of a victim 
  • Felony intimidation of a witness
  • Bail jumping

The woman -only identified by her initials- shared the new information one week ago, more than a week after the parade tragedy.

According to the complaint, Brooks told his mother in a phone call from the Milwaukee County Jail: “If she don’t cooperate with them, they are going to have to drop it.”

It was Nov. 3, one day after he allegedly ran over his girlfriend with the same car he would drive through the Waukesha parade three weeks later.

The call is one of several investigators list in a new criminal complaint that claims Brooks tried to intimidate the woman into not cooperating with authorities, in hopes of getting that case tossed.

In one call he told the woman: "You have my daughter, I know your potential, what you can be. I want to marry you."

In another he said: “I hope she realizes the mistake she made, I hope she realizes what she did and I hope she never do anything that stupid ever again."

The criminal complaint calls it "emotional manipulation."

The next week, in another call from jail, Brooks told the woman: "If I really tried to do something to you, you wouldn’t be on the phone now. If I would’ve told [expletive] go do something, you wouldn’t be on the phone now." That call was made Nov. 15, the day he was released from jail after paying the $1,000 bail the district attorney deemed "inappropriately low."

The criminal complaint says the two investigators played portions of some of the calls for the woman, who positively identified all the voices involved.

Brooks remains in custody and faces six life sentences for the parade deaths, plus additional charges.

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