Too many 911 calls in Hales Corners could land you in the Police Chief's office
HALES CORNERS, Wis. (CBS 58) -- There will soon be a price to pay for nuisance calls in Hales Corners.
If you dial 911 too many times in one year, you'll have to meet with the head of the Police Department.
After three negative police calls, the home or business owner will get a letter in the mail telling them to contact the Chief to have a conversation.
It's an ordinance that people like Sarah Serigos' family asked for after dialing 911 more times than she can count on neighbors she calls noisy, aggressive and sometimes criminal.
"Our children have been very frightened by some of the activities going on. There's been some drug trafficking," says Sarah Serigos.
Hales Corners Police Chief Eric Cera says this ordinance has worked in other communities and beats people repeatedly calling 911 on nuisance neighbors, tying up officers and using taxpayer dollars.
"Criminal activity going on that's what we are really concerned about. Yeah, it might be a little like coming into the principal's office, but at the same token to some of these property owners, it's a breath of fresh air," says Chief Eric Cera.
"I think its an additional step for those of us living in a situation like this I'm thankful to have someone mediate those types of issues," says Sarah Serigos.
Cera says if after the talk - the problems continue within that year the person could be fined.
He plans to deal with the calls case by case and doesn't want people to be afraid to call 911.
"Just because you pick up the phone and dial 911 or you call our administrative number that doesn't count as a tally against you or go on your permanent record its not intended to do that. This is about those people flat out know and accept the fact that they're not being fair to the fellow neighbors," says Chief Eric Cera.
The Chief says since the ordinance just went into effect last week he hasn't had any meetings yet and that it will take about six months to see how it's working.