State lawmakers introduce bill to aid families experiencing infertility

NOW: State lawmakers introduce bill to aid families experiencing infertility

MADISON, Wis. (CBS 58) -- It's a problem that's more common than you might think -- couples who are having trouble having children.

In Madison, two state lawmakers are introducing a bill that would ease one of the burdens on those couples. 

State representatives Jodi Emerson and Kelda Roys are backing the Building Families Act.

It recognizes infertility as a disease and requires insurance coverage.

Right now a lot of patients pay for their treatments out of pocket, something that can cost $10-thousand or more depending on the services.

"For those who are experiencing infertility issues, or for same-sex couples, finances should not get in the way of them being able to start a family," said State Rep. Emerson (D-Eau Claire). "Having love, not money, should determine what makes a family."

Building Families Act supporters say women of color experience infertility at higher rates than white women and they are less likely to have access to treatment. 

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