Lawsuit filed against Saint Francis barrel plant because of bad smell

NOW: Lawsuit filed against Saint Francis barrel plant because of bad smell

MILWAUKEE (CBS58) -- Some people in Saint Francis have filed a lawsuit because a plant near their homes is giving off a bad smell.

The building is an industrial refurbishing barrel plant.The facility has noxious fumes and it’s diminishing their quality of life as well as their property values.

Milwaukee attorney Michael Lueder is working with a Detroit firm on the case.

“They’ve told us they cant hang their clothes out on a line because it smells like chemicals when they bring them in and some people don’t want to let their kids go out to play when the chemical plant is burning chemicals and the smoke is coming out," said Leuder. 

The plant refurbishes 55 – gallon steel drums and large plastic chemical containers. Drums that cannot be refurbished are burned.

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