Racine Man Taken into Custody Following Knife Threat

On Friday morning Mount Pleasant officers were dispatched to the 2700 block of Eaton Lane where Michael Berrelez, age 21, was reportedly out of control and threatening his father with a knife. Upon their arrival officers learned the suspect had fled still armed with a knife.

After a search of the area Berrelez was located a short distance from the residence and taken into custody. Officers recovered the knife and a bag of marijuana. 

While Berrelez was transported in the squad car he violently thrashed his body against the inside of the car. In order to prevent bodily harm, Berrelez was transferred to the Mount Pleasant Paddy Wagon and taken to the Racine County Jail. No injures were reported.

Berrelez is charged with 1st degree reckless endangering safety, disorderly conduct/domestic abuse, resisting arrest and possession of marijuana.

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