Political experts weigh in possibility of the RNC in Milwaukee
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- With Milwaukee one step closer to clinching the Republican National Convention for 2024, political experts are weighing in on what it could mean for the city and the state.
With the last two presidential elections falling on opposite sides with margins of 20-to-30,000 voters, political experts say this could play into how the 2024 presidential election plays out.
"I think one of the things in the back of their minds for the RNC is maybe we can win Wisconsin by being in Milwaukee," said Political Science Professor Emeritus at UWM Mordecai Lee.
He said it's not just by the Republicans being here though.
"I want to meet that voter," Lee laughed, "I don't think any voter is going to decide based on it occurring in Wisconsin."
According to Lee, it's more about engaging voters that otherwise might've not been engaged in 2020, like in Waukesha County.
"Who weren't particularly enthusiastic about Trump last time around, if they would be volunteers and hosts and hostesses at the convention, maybe we'll bring them back home," said Lee.
He said a lot of it depends on who the nominees is, Former President Donald Trump could draw big crowds of supporters, and detractors.
If it's a contested convention, with someone like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, it could mean Milwaukee is in the national spotlight, something city officials say they want the world to see.
"When we show how Milwaukee hosts a big national political convention, we're inviting other convention planners to take notice," said Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson.
Lee said the smaller RNC could be the ticket to that for Milwaukee.
"For the DNC they were going to need so many hotel rooms, they were putting people up at O'Hare," said Lee, which he said contrasts with the RNC calling for delegates to be within 30 minutes of Milwaukee.
"You want happy delegates talking to reporters that can't say anything negative about Milwaukee."
Republicans are expected to make their final decision next month.