Indiana victim hit by four cars that didn't stop, police say
INDIANAPOLIS -- Michael Fink was leaving a local VFW hall when tragedy struck, repeatedly.
Police said the 68-year-old was hit by four different vehicles while trying to cross the street, resulting in \"severe\" injuries that left him dead at the scene, reports CBS affiliate WISH in Indianapolis.
Not a single vehicle stopped to check on Fink after he was struck, officials said.
According to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, Fink, was walking eastbound on W. 34th Street from the VFW near Moller Road when he was hit by a silver vehicle. Police said Fink had just left the VFW and was trying to cross W. 34th Street from the north side of the street, to the south side of the street when he was hit.
After being hit by that car, Fink tried to crawl to the south side of the street, but he was hit by a black SUV that was driving eastbound on W. 34th Street. That vehicle also left the scene without stopping, police said.
IMPD officials said Fink was then hit by a dark pickup truck or light-colored van also heading eastbound on W. 34th Street.
A fourth vehicle, described as a white four-door car, also ran over Fink. That vehicle didn't stop either, police said.
Witnesses were finally able to call an ambulance after the fourth car hit Fink.