Heavy Rain Possible with Big Storm System this Week
The past week has remained completely dry. The last time we had rain in southeast Wisconsin was Sunday, October 16 when over 1" of rain fell in some spots. Because of the recent dry stretch we are in a rain deficit of about a quarter of an inch. But that changes this week when a large storm system has its eyes set on Wisconsin. A steady rain has looked likely for Wisconsin since the beginning of last week and it arrives Tuesday.
A few showers will start to roll through Tuesday afternoon and evening becoming steady Tuesday night and a steady moderate to heavy rain is on tap all day Wednesday. With that much rain falling for a long time we will see some pretty high rain totals with current predictions showing our entire area around or above 1" of rain with some picking up as much as 2".
There are still a few days to go before the storm system arrives so download the CBS 58 Ready Weather app to see the latest predictions. Even though heavy rain is forecast, flooding is not expected to be a concern. The rain will be spread out over 24 hours and since the ground is not yet frozen the ground will be able to absorb it. One final side note. Please remember to clear your storm drains of all the leaves before the rain starts falling, so you can avoid any localized ponding of water.