Dustin Diamond Trial Continues
The trial of former tv star Dustin Diamond and his fiance Amanda Shutz continued with testimony on Thursday.
Casey Smet tells a jury he was stabbed on Christmas by Diamond, the man who played Screech in the popular show Saved By The Bell.
Prosecutors showed a jury his t-shirt from that night stained with blood stains.
Several witnesses say it all started when Casey Smet's drunk girlfriend accidentally bumped into Shutz in a bar.
A little after that, one of Casey's friends told a jury she recognized Diamond and took a selfie with him in the background. A few minutes later Shutz approached her and shoved her.
Bethany Ward testified and said she tried to break everything up before it got out of hand but Shutz grabbed her hand and started to pull her fingers back.
\"I told her to stop and she didn't then I punched her in the face,\" said Ward.
A fight broke out and several witnesses said they saw Diamond with a knife.
Diamond may testify on Friday.