Brewcity Bruisers Roller Derby announces 2019 schedule including dog match

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) — Brewcity Bruisers Roller Derby has released its 2019 season schedule.





January 27

Home Season Opener

4:00 pm

UW-Panther Arena

February 9

Travel Team Game

5:50 pm

WI State Fair Park

February 10

Home Season Game #2

4:00 pm

UW-Panther Arena

March 10

Home Season Game #3

4:00 pm

UW-Panther Arena

March 30

Travel Team Game


WI State Fair Park

April 27

Home Season Semi-Finals

6:00 pm

UW-Panther Arena

May 4

Home Season Finals

6:00 pm

UW-Panther Arena

May 31 – June 2

Travel Team Games


UW-Panther Arena

The Brewcity Bruisers are made up of four home teams: the Crazy 8s, Maiden Milwaukee, the Rushin' Rollettes and the Shevil Knevils. The home teams play each other in five games each season at the UW Panther Arena.

The travel team consists of the home team’s most elite players to compete for international rankings. Travel team games take place at many different venues across the country, with most local games happening at Wisconsin State Fair Park.

For the Sunday, January 27 home opener fans can bring their dogs to the roller derby. Dog tickets cost $4 at the door. The match will feature a wiener dog race at halftime by the Milwaukee Area Dachshund Lovers club. Fans will have the chance to meet the raving sausages before the game.

A separate section will be reserved for fans that bring their dogs. There will be a convenient access point for animals to relieve themselves during the game. 

Fans going to a match can bring a non-perishable food item to receive $3 off admission at the door during the 2019 Home Season. Adult tickets cost $17 in advance and $20 the day of. Tickets for kids, seniors, military or students cost $14 in advance and $17 the day of. You can buy tickets here.

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