Brett Blomme, former Milwaukee Children's Court judge, pleads guilty to federal child porn charge

MADISON, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Former Milwaukee County Children's Court judge, Brett Blomme, has agreed to plead guilty to federal child pornography charges according to court records obtained by CBS 58 News Friday, August 6.

Blomme, 38, was arrested and charged in March with related charges in state court.

He was later indicted in May by a federal grand jury in Madison.

Although he was set free on a signature bond in the state case, Blomme's been jailed since May following the federal indictment.

Records indicate that Blomme reached an agreement with prosecutors to plead guilty to the two counts of federal child pornography found on the indictment.

Both counts hold a minimum mandatory sentence of five years in prison plus five years of supervised release.

The court records also show that the plea agreement resolves the seven-count state court case against Blomme.

Blomme was elected to the Milwaukee County Children's Court judicial position in the Spring 2020 election,

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