Wear gold in September in the fight against childhood cancer

St. Anthony on the Lake Church will continue the tradition of celebrating a Gold Mass for the families battling pediatric cancer.

Students will all wear gold, the color of the cause, offer a blessing to the families and release golden balloons into the air.

They'll also listen to the personal story of John Burke whose daughter Molly is in the home stretch of her nearly 6 year long battle with leukemia.

Burke was a special guest Monday during "Our Stories with Michele" on the CBS 58 News at 4 p.m.

The regular feature gives extra attention to people and organizations inspired to take greater action in the community.

"I'm blessed that I'll be able to share this story at St. Anthony on the Lake because my daughter has gone through a difficult journey but has gotten to the finish line," explained Burke.  "On the day before Thanksgiving, she'll have her last oncology appointment and she'll join the survivors program.  I hope to inspire other families."

Burke says he is more optimistic than ever before. In fact,  the type of leukemia his daughter battled, currently has an  80% survival rate.

He says the support of the community, even the most simple of gestures like wearing gold can go a long way.

"When you're going through this kind of experience with a child who is suffering from a disease like pediatric cancer, you need to know that there are other people there."  

For more information on Molly click here

Students at St. Anthony on the Lake have been working on quilts that they will present to patients at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin.

For more information on the Gold Mass click here

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