Wauwatosa Health Department gives 1,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine
WAUWATOSA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- A milestone is reached at the Wauwatosa Health Department. Thursday, Feb. 11, the clinic announced it has administered 1,000 first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to eligible people in the community.
“Vaccine supply is limited across the state, so we don’t receive as much vaccine as we request,” said Interim Health Officer Laura Stephens. “We are eager to continue efforts to see a high rate of vaccination, while also practicing preventative measures like limiting contact with people outside your household, physically distancing, and wearing a mask.”
According to a news release, the Wauwatosa Health Department is operating its vaccine clinic by appointment only to those in eligible groups. In addition to city staff, the vaccine clinic has been supported through more than 70 volunteers. These volunteers are identified through the Wisconsin Emergency Assistance Volunteer Registry.
“As someone in an eligible group, I have received my first COVID shot,” said Mayor Dennis McBride. “Our staff and volunteers are doing a heroic job protecting our community. We are advocating for more doses so everyone can be protected. In the meantime, we all must continue wearing masks and engaging in social distancing to stop the spread of this deadly virus. We're all in this together.”
If you'd like to volunteer at the Wauwatosa Health Department's COVID-19 vaccination clinics, CLICK HERE for more information.