Waitress Surprised with Generous $100 Tip for Mother's Day

WAXHAW, N.C. - (KHOU) One Charlotte-area waitress got a pretty happy pre-Mother's Day surprise when a customer left her a big tip.

Ashleigh West was working her shift at a Mexican restaurant on Cinco de Mayo when she told the family she was serving how she had to be at work while her son was home sleeping.

After hearing West's story, the family decided to pay it forward and left a generous $101.79 tip for the working mom with a simple note, "Happy Mother's Day!"

"I almost cried. A complete stranger who made me feel so wonderful tonight," she wrote on her Facebook page. "They left before I saw this but I wish I could've told them thank you x's a million."

West's Facebook post read, "Everyone who keeps up with my life knows I wait tables in Friday nights and Saturday nights at a Mexican restaurant while Micah is sleeping... Since it's a Mexican restaurant and today was cinco de mayo they had to have all servers on the clock tonight... A family decided to bless me after I had mentioned to them that I had a baby sleeping at home... I almost cried. A complete stranger who made me feel so wonderful tonight.. They left before I saw this but I wish I could've told them thank you x's a million."

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