Volunteer chaplains begin training with Milwaukee Police for community outreach

They needed at least 50 Chaplains to work with Milwaukee Police and on Tuesday The Salvation Army got them.

The volunteers and people of faith turned out for the first of several days of training at the Milwaukee Police Academy.

It's part of a renewed faith based approach to working with  neighborhoods trying to stem the tide of violence.

Police have reached out to religions leaders in the past, but this is the first time there's been standardized training.

\"Our city is bleeding to death and we need all hands on deck to come together to address this issue,\" said Pastor Alexis Twito of the Capitol Drive Lutheran Church. \"The police are reaching out saying we know that we can't do this alone.\"

The Salvation Army would like to hold another training session in the fall.

The program is designed to help those suffering through a homicide but to also work with the family of perpetrators to determine why they're involved in criminal activity.

For additional stories on program click here

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