Video shows dramatic Coast Guard rescue of a dog in the Milwaukee River
MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A dramatic rescue of a dog from the Milwaukee River was all caught on camera Wednesday. Dozens of witnesses watched as it took the Coast Guard more than an hour to save the pup.
Both Milwaukee Police and the Coast Guard were called downtown around 12:05 for the river rescue.
"Over here on Plankinton Avenue by the river there's a dog on the ice," said Desiree Schocko.
She streamed the entire ordeal on Facebook live from her office window.
The little black dog, stuck on the ice, also captured the attention of people on the Milwaukee River banks.
"Oh puppers," said Beckie Josephitis. She recorded the last 10 minutes of the rescue and cheered on the dog and the Coast Guard from the side of the river.
The Coast Guard already had a boat in the water when the dog broke through the ice. Around the same time, ice chunks and debris started moving down the river, but the coast guard was closing on on the dog, who had been scared and running away from its rescuers.
"You almost got him," said Josephitis from the banks.
At that moment, the ice closed in over the dog, leaving it stuck underwater. In just seconds, the Coast Guard rescuer leaped through the water, ice and debris to reach under the ice cap and pull out the puppy.
An audible cheer is heard along the river bank, and a few minutes later the dog is pulled up to safety and into the arms of Milwaukee Police.
MADACC said the dog was happy and healthy in their care, just a little cold at first. It did have a microchip and was picked up by the owner in the evening.