Veteran family receives new, mortgage-free Menomonee Falls home

NOW: Veteran family receives new, mortgage-free Menomonee Falls home

Army veteran Sgt. Tyson Cole and his family are now homeowners in Menomonee Falls thanks to Operation Finally Home, an organization providing custom-built mortgage-free homes for military veterans facing financial hardship. Saturday the organization presented the Coles with the keys to their new home during a dedication ceremony in Menomonee Falls. 

Cole served more than 13 years in the military. He suffered a traumatic brain injury when a mortar exploded nearby in Iraq. The family, formerly of Indiana, applied to be part of the program and was surprised last September when they pulled up to a ground-breaking ceremony and learned they were to be the recipients of Operation Finally Home's fifth home in Wisconsin.

See our story from that day here:

CBS 58 Morning News anchor Mike Curkov emceed both events.

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