Unknown suspect shoots up Waukesha Home
The suspects are still on the run.
Police say the victim called 9-1-1 after being shot.
A neighbor tells us an SUV pulled into the parking lot of the condos behind this home, firing nearly twenty rounds at the home and trailer parked in the drive way, then backed up and sped away.
Police say they've gotten numerous vague reports on the description of that vehicle.
The neighbor tells us a woman and her three children have lived in the home for the past six months, with no problems, so he's not sure why the gunfire was directed at them.
\"It was some kind of a targeted strike of sorts. Upwards of 16 shots were fired some went clear through the building and into some condo units on other side of the building,\" said the neighbor.
Police on the scene say they do not believe there is a risk to the public safety.
They are still looking for the person or people who fired.