Two Children Ejected from 2-Vehicle Accident on Milwaukee's North Side
Posted: Oct 8, 2014 7:56 PM CST | Updated: Nov 5, 2014 4:01 PM CST
MILWAUKEE--Three children were hospitalized following an accident on Milwaukee's north side.
It happened around 7:35 a.m. Wednesday near the intersection of 12th Street and Atkinson Avenue.
It is unclear at this time how the accident occurred. But a 1-year-old and 3-year-old were injured after being ejected from one of the cars, and a 5-year-old was injured in the other vehicle.
According to police officers on the scene, the children were all in car seats, but the car seats were not installed correctly.
It's still unclear what conditions the children or two adults are in, but it's been reported the one year old suffered the most serious injuries after being ejected from the car and being run over by the second car.
Now, area residents question the dangerous speeds at which driver's ride long the stretch of Atkinson often referred to as \"The Freeway.\"
One resident suggests more police presence, and possibly camera's at the intersections to cite speeder's.
Meantime, the driver of the vehicle which struck the car with a woman and two girls, is facing charges of causing injury to a child while driving on a suspended license.