Trinity Lutheran Church reacts to fire at Notre Dame Cathedral

NOW: Trinity Lutheran Church reacts to fire at Notre Dame Cathedral

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) — Time has helped ease the pain of what happened at Trinity Lutheran Church last May when a fire caused millions of dollars worth of damage to the historic church  

“I was just devastated,” said Christine Behnke, Director of Parish Education at Trinity Lutheran. “Fortunately,, after you get over that and you say no one was harmed, it’s the bricks and the mortar, the church’s congregation, it’s really the people.” 

Something she hopes those who love Notre Dame will come to see  

“Unbelievable.. It was like no, no, no no,” she said when she saw the images of the fire  

“I know what they must be feeling and thinking and my heart just broke from them.” 

“I went to Paris  and I fell in love,” said Nat Godley, Assistant Professor of History at Alverno College who spent time living and researching in Paris  

“It is a visible symbol from all over the city and this is going to be a real tragedy for all Parisians no matter what their affiliation with the church itself,” he said  

He believes Notre Dame will be rebuilt  

“They will rebuild it and it will be beautiful,” he said  

just as Behnke believed something good will come out of the ashes left behind  

“Stay strong, stay strong.I know that it seems horribly devastating right now, but know that even from this, God  can work wonderful miracles.”  

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