Tosa East Players Celebrate 77 Years with Encore, Encore
The Wauwatosa East High School theatre program celebrates 77 years this weekend and next with performances of Encore, Encore by the Tosa East Players.
Theatre director Kate Sarner, her team, the actors, the crew and the orchestral pit put together a complex show with more than 50 actors, more than 560 costumes and 77 years of musical numbers.
Encore, Encore is a medley of all the hits from all the shows the Tosa East Players have put on over the years including Godspell, Les Miserables, West Side Story, Tarzan, Beauty and the Beast, Little Shop of Horrors and many more.
Shows are March 24th, 25th, 26th, 31st and April 1st and 2nd. Friday and Saturday shows are at 7:30 PM. The Sunday shows are at 2 PM.
For more information click here.
We'll have more on Encore, Encore and the 77 years of Tosa East Players this weekend on CBS 58 Sunday Morning beginning at 7 AM.