Tips to Make Eating Healthier Easier

NOW: Tips to Make Eating Healthier Easier
Milwaukee -

March is National Nutrition Month, and it usually goes without saying that most of us could eat a little better.

Aurora registered dietitian, Dee Gabbard was a special guest Monday on the CBS 58 News at 4.

She will share some basic advice that has shown great success with her patients.

"It’s these small steps that add up to big results," says Gabbard. "Whether it is improving their well-being, weight, blood sugars, cholesterol or lipid levels or functional status."

Try new foods: Milk alternatives, Flours, Vegetables

Eat by the rainbow: Colorful foods provide a variety of nutrients

Include more fiber

Make at least half your grains whole

Read nutrition labels

Plan and prepare more meals by using apps, websites, grocery store delivery, home delivery.

Understanding fat: there is visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. The visceral fat in the abdominal area can interfere with our organs and lead to chronic health problems, while the subcutaneous fat on hips, buttocks and thighs tends to not lead to chronic health problems. It’s no secret that diet and exercise are the best ways to control body fat. You want to burn more calories than you take in. There are no magic pills, unfortunately.

When we lose fat, we have decreased levels of leptin, which a hormone that regulates our appetite. A lack of leptin makes a person more hungry. Leptin is tied to metabolism and thyroid.

For more information click here

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