Some Dane County Residents Believe a Fighter Jet Base Would Be Too Noisy
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Dane County residents say basing F-35 fighter jets in Madison would be too noisy.
The Wisconsin State Journal reported Monday that people around Truax Field are already fed up with the noise from F-16s. Sara Petzold said the windows of her home on Madison's north side rattle when military jets from Truax fly over. Melanie Foxcroft, who lives on Madison's east side, says F-16 noise is "ear-shattering."
The U.S. Air Force is looking for two bases to houses F-35 Lightning IIs. Truax is one of five finalists.
Air Force officials say the F-35s usually produce noise equivalent to F-16s but could be quieter on takeoff because they don't use afterburners as frequently.
Noise studies taking into account conditions at Truax will be completed next year.