Sherman Multicultural Arts School Welcomes Students
After the unrest in Sherman Park last month many are looking to shift the energy and get the kids off to school with some positivity.
Some of those children attend Sherman Park Multicultural Arts School on 51st and Locust.
Kids walked up to Sherman Multicultural Arts School for their first day you can see the red white blue decorations behind me there was a lot of excitement and energy.
Just hours ago they walked right up to the school with a balloon arch, greeted by Mayor Barrett, Superintendent Driver and Bango the Buck.
The recent events and unrest in Sherman Park has affected many of the students.
Dr. Driver said this will be discussed over the school year.
Students will have a safe and supported environment.
"You can already see around us healing is occurring here. It happens. Kids are playing on the playground, it you look at the tot lot things are already rustled around because our kids are already playing here. This is a safe space this is a very special community. I do believe that our parents our teachers our students all working together we will move forward in a very positive way,” said Dr. Driver.
Mayor Barrett also commented on the recent arrests in Sherman Park saying what you see here at the school is night and day.
It is important to note, the school was chosen for this first day celebration before the unrest.