Road Trip Crew Makes it to Los Angeles
CBS 58 Road Trip Crew arrived in California Monday night and went straight to the LA Coliseum the home of Super Bowl I and a Packers win.
So far the crew has traveled over 2,500 miles and California is the 9th state the group has traveled through.
Over the weekend, the CBS 58 Big Road Trip spent Friday night in Denver, a city oozing with Super Bowl fever. Coloradans are very confident in their Broncos and with Peyton Manning at quarterback they should be confident.
From Denver, a littler weather moved in with snow and rain falling all throughout the journey through the Rockies and most of Utah. What was supposed to be an 11 hour drive from Denver to Las Vegas turned more into 14 hours.
All day Sunday was spent in Las Vegas learning about prop betting which is betting on different aspects of the game like who will score the first touchdown and how many completions Manning will throw.
After arriving in Los Angeles, the crew immediately traveled to the LA Coliseum and on Tuesday the drive will take the crew up the California coast to the Bay Area.