Rexnord Turkey Ticker Challenge in November
Gathering turkeys for hungry Milwaukee families is an important Thanksgiving tradition at Hunger Task Force.
For the sixth consecutive year, Rexnord Corporation has joined the tradition to help complete a Thanksgiving meal by offering a match for every turkey donation made in the month of November.
As turkeys are donated, the Turkey Ticker count will be updated daily on Hunger Task Force's electronic signboard off I-94 and online. For that click here
This year's goal is to ensure every family has a holiday bird on the table for Thanksgiving. Hunger Task Force will be building Thanksgiving bins with festive foods along with donated turkeys, including fresh potatoes with gravy, hearty vegetables, sweet cranberries and holiday pie.
To kick of this year's Turkey Ticker and encourage everyone to rise to the challenge, the Hunger Task Force turkey mascot hit the streets of downtown Milwaukee Tuesday. Throughout her journey, the turkey will mingle with passerby and hand out Turkey Ticker challenge cards to unsuspecting members of the general public.
The oversized poultry was dancing and creating quite the stir in front of the U.S. Bank Center downtown.
She was joined by Hunger Task Force supporters Rexnord, Foley & Lardner LLP and Roundy's.
Turkeys can be donated to Dock 1 at Hunger Task Force, 201 S. Hawley Court, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. starting Nov. 1.
Turkey donations can also be made online for $15 per turkey anytime online. To do that click here