Reported Mountain lion sightings in Mequon

The Mequon Police Department received two separate reports of a mountain lion on August 24 and  26. 
The first reported seeing was on 9800 block of North Granville Rd. at approximately 7:35 AM.  A person described the animal as appearing to look like an oversized house cat with a three foot tail and the height of the back of the animal being three feet from the ground.
RELATED LINK: Possible lion sighting in Grafton
The second observation occurred in the 11500 block of Donges Bay Rd. at approximately 5:51AM.  The caller claimed to have observed a mountain lion on the north edge of the roadway.
CBS 58 spoke with Mequon residents who live in the neighborhood.
\"It's rural out here,\" said resident Bruce Walker. \"You hear the coyotes all the time out here. I was checking my trail cameras on there, but when you say that back in the cornfields, it kind of freaks you out a little bit.\"
\"It could be a mountain lion,\" said said resident Darryl Huennekens. \"That's a possibility. But it would be an old old animal, and I'm happy to see him around. I am happy to see him around.\"
\"I think it's a copy cat,\" said resident Paul Chmielewski. \"I really don't think there's anything, it's just people trying to keep the story going.\"
Officers responded to both of these reports and made no observations of any large animals.
The Mequon Police Department has been in contact with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources regarding these reported observations.
The Mequon Police request citizens to contact the police department if they observe any unusual large animals at (262) 242-3500.  
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