Reconstruction Planned on 76th Street Between Grantosa Boulevard and Florist Avenue

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is having a public involvement meeting to discuss the reconstruction of 76th Street between Grantosa Blvd and Florist Avenue.

The project is expected to begin in mid-February and will be completed by late fall 2017.

 The meeting will be an open house format with project staff available to discuss the plans for the reconstruction project.

Included in the project is the full reconstruction of the structure over Silver Spring Dr. along with various levels of pavement work along the length of the project.

 Bridge demolition work could begin as soon as the weekend of the 17th weather dependent.

There will be corresponding lane reductions to allow work to begin on building the new bridge structure. Zenith Tech Inc. was awarded the $6.85 Million contract to rebuild the structure and complete the roadway improvements. 

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