Prescription Drug Takeback Day held at Wauwatosa police station

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WAUWATOSA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- The Wauwatosa Police Department teamed up with the Wisconsin Department of Justice and Reworld for Prescription Drug Takeback Day on Saturday, April 27.
The event highlighted the importance of safe and responsible disposal of unused or expired drugs.
People gathered at the Wauwatosa police station on 116th St this morning to drop off their prescriptions and learn more about the proper storage of medications, and the consequences if they aren't stored properly.
"They can lead to being lying around in people's households. If people are struggling with substance use disorder, they'll have easy accessibility to drugs that are not any longer needed. It also helps people from rinsing them down the drain or down the toilet where they become a hazard for our waterways," said Wauwatosa Police Department Chief James MacGillis.
Reworld says they have been collecting drugs for the last 15 years, and in that time, they've disposed of over 15 million pounds of medications.
If you have expired or unused drugs in your medicine cabinet, you can pick up a disposal envelope at the Wauwatosa Police Department at 116th and Walnut, or the Wauwatosa Health Department at City Hall. The envelope then can be mailed to Reworld who will get rid of the medicine for you.