Pregnant Teenager Kicked in the Stomach Outside of a Dairy Queen over a Snap Chat Fight

A 17-year-old pregnant woman was kicked in the stomach by another female teenager during a fight outside a Dairy Queen in Burlington.

Kristin Rautio was charged with misdemeanor battery and misdemeanor bail jumping because of the incident.

According to the criminal complaint, the incident occurred outside a Dairy Queen on December 8 around 8:07 PM.

Three individuals drove to the Dairy Queen so that Rautio could allegedly attack and kick the pregnant woman in the stomach.

 According to the complaint, Rautio and the victim allegedly got into a fight on Snap Chat because Rautio was dating the father of the victim’s impending child.

Rautio decided to drive over to the victim’s job to “check her.”

So Rautio had two men drive her to the Dairy Queen.

At the Dairy Queen, the defendant told police pulled the victim out of the victim’s car. She then began to punch the victim five times. She then kicked the victim in the stomach and the victim yelled she was pregnant.

The defendant allegedly told police she said to the victim “your face ain’t pregnant” before punching her in the face.

The victim told police she felt cramping after the incident and was concerned for the baby.

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