'Pause to Give Life': Milwaukee blood center holds ceremony in honor of organ donors

NOW: ’Pause to Give Life’: Milwaukee blood center holds ceremony in honor of organ donors

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A "Donate Life" flag was raised Monday, April 5, at the Versiti Blood Center in Milwaukee.

This was a "Pause to Give Life" ceremony to demonstrate how important organ donations are, especially during the pandemic, when donations have declined.

Monday's flag was given to Susan and Ron Miller.

Their daughter, Laura, died 12 years ago, and her liver was donated to save another woman's life.

The family says that decision has been a light that has helped them through their grief.

"If Laura's liver had not been flown out to get translated into Trish, Trish would not be alive today," said Susan Miller. "And now she's a 52-year-old woman who's alive and well and owns a gym and is a special ed teacher and we have a meaningful relationship with her."

For more information about registering for organ donation, click here

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