Observances of Sikh Temple shooting begin
OAK CREEK-We are approaching the second anniversary of the Sikh Temple shooting.
Observances of the tragic anniversary began Friday.
CBS 58 returned to the temple where they are doing a 48 hour recitation of the Sikh Holy Book.
Visitors from every corner of the community are invited to come and take part.
Temple leaders say what happened on August 5, 2012 is not just a Sikh tragedy but an American tragedy.
Six temple members were shot in cold blood by a white supremacist who then killed himself after being wounded by Oak Creek Police.
The commemorations will range from the contemplative to the celebratory.
Saturday, 8 a.m. Memorial Run/Walk at Oak Creek High School.
Sunday, 1:30 p.m. Special Tribute to the Departed with guest speakers.
Tuesday, 8 p.m. Remembrance Ceremony at the temple.
Wednesday, 2 p.m. A congressional honors ceremony for retired Lt. Brian Murphy who shot and brought down the gunman and Officer Sam Lenda who provided critical back up after Murphy was wounded. That will take place at the Oak Creek Community Center.