New cheese bar opens in Lake Geneva as long-time dairy farmer turns his passion into curds

NOW: New cheese bar opens in Lake Geneva as long-time dairy farmer turns his passion into curds

LAKE GENEVA, Wis. (CBS 58) -- Hill Valley's Cheese Shop, is one of those places in Lake Geneva that you could stay in way too long looking at cheeses and all of the accessories that go with them. 

Now there's a place to gather right next door. 

"When we started to create this place to gather, we didn't know it would be a cheese bar but that is what it's become," said Ron Henningfeld. 

You can have a side of wine or beer here at Hill Valley Cheese Bar, but cheese is the main attraction. Try a variety from Alpine cheeses to cheddars, all made right in SE Wisconsin. 

"You pick out a few cheeses that you want on there. we put accompanied snacks and foods with it," said Henningfeld. "I love to see the reaction on their faces when they get into it and start to eat that cheese, and maybe it's a cheese they already loved, or often it's cheeses that are new to them they haven't tasted anything quite like it yet and they're really loving what they're experiencing and what they're tasting," said Henningfeld. 

The unique "cheese bar" concept comes to Lake Geneva by four generations of dairy farmers. Henningfeld grew up on the same family dairy farm his family still operates in East Troy. 

"As I got older, I did some other careers that I enjoyed, but I always felt the pull back to the dairy farm," said Henningfeld. 

He's now the first cheese maker in the family. After spending his twenties working at Clock Shadow Creamery and other cheese shops, he finally began turning his own dairy into curds. 

The shop and the bar are connected, and they're located on Broad St. Hill Valley also provides its cheese to a handful of restaurants in Lake Geneva and Milwaukee. 

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