Neighbor Walks Into Burning Duplex to Help Rescue Woman in Wheelchair

Nineteen people have had their lives turned upside down by a fire in Milwaukee.

Two duplexes caught on fire near 4th and Concordia early Tuesday morning.

Cbs 58 spoke with a neighbor who said she went in and tried to help everyone get out safely.

"All I kept saying was is everybody out, is everybody out.  Are there any kids in there?.Let me handle this, I don't want any kids going back in there. Get the kids across the street," said Megan Ortmayer.

Ortmayer said she helped people inside the house move a woman in a wheelchair out of the burning building. 

They all are ok.

A firefighter was treated for an injury at Froedtert Hospital.

He too will be all right. 

The Red Cross is now looking for shelter for the 19 displaced residents.

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