More rail options between Chicago, Milwaukee and Minneapolis are being studied

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How would you like to take a train from Milwaukee to Minneapolis? That idea is being studied right now. The Departments of Transportation in Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota are all working together to study the idea of adding another train. It's in the very early stages, but it's already getting good reception with Amtrak riders.
"Maybe it would make Milwaukee more attractive. People who want to work in Minneapolis, maybe they're looking to live somewhere else," said Jacob Coran, a frequent Amtrak rider from Milwaukee to Chicago.
"Train is a great alternative, cheaper to flying," said Michael Marcus.
The dubbed Twin Cities-Milwaukee-Chicago corridor is a nearly 420 mile short-distance stretch. Right now, the TCMC corridor is served by the long-distance Empire Builder between Chicago and the Pacific Northwest once daily to and from. This intercity service would add to that.
"I've been to Minnesota like once, but it'd be cool to go there probably more often," Marcus said.
The Departments of Transportation in Minnesota and Wisconsin were approached by CBS 58 for comment. Minnesota has not returned our request for an interview as of yet, and Wisconsin is waiting until a later time.